Walcha Central School

Your Learning Journey Kindergarten to Year 12

Telephone02 6777 2777


Library News





Oliver Library & E-Books

Students are able to access e-books at home from tablets and other devices.  Parents can also access e-books to read through their child's log on details.

Instructions on how to log on to Oliver are below:

Oliver Library log on instructions

If you are using a tablet or iPhone/iPad and Oliver Library does not open, you will need to check that you have enabled pop-ups on your device as e-books can only be opened when you have enabled pop-ups.  You can block pop-ups again after you have downloaded the e-books.  

To enable pop-ups, click on 'settings', scroll down to Safari (or another web browser you use to access the web), scroll down to block pop-ups and make sure it is not ticked.  If it is, untick it so it is not coloured.

Scholastic Book Club

Walcha Central School participates in Scholastic Book Club. 

Eight times a year catalogues are sent home for students and parents to select titles to purchase.

Scholastic Book Club offers parents an easy payment method to order books online, using your credit card. We are encouraging parents to use the LOOP system, to avoid problems such as losing money. 

If you do not have internet access at home you can still send in your order to the library and make payment by cash or cheque (made payable to Walcha Central School).

To use LOOP, follow the instructions below.

Book Club LOOP payment instructions


If you have any questions, please come in and see the Library staff.